Media Enquiries 

Press contact:

T: 020 8996 9777


The IAM RoadSmart press office provides accurate information as well as spokespeople who can comment on road safety and the issues affecting a range of road users including drivers, motorcyclists, pedestrians and cyclists.

Our spokespeople

We have a number of experts on hand who can provide valuable advice and comment on the issues facing drivers and riders on the road today.
To request an interview with an IAM RoadSmart spokesperson please email or call 020 8996 9777.

Our latest publications

IAM RoadSmart offers expert views on road safety, highlighting areas for concern to inform road users and help change government policy. Our media team also provide stories, comments and advice around the issues facing drivers and riders on the road today

Press releases

Read the latest news from IAM RoadSmart.




Download our latest published reports.



Tips and advice

Read our driving and riding advice here




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