To mark Volunteer Week (1-7 June), Derek Baker, Chief Observer and Group Secretary of Kidderminster Advanced Bikers, reflects on what volunteering for IAM RoadSmart means to him in this guest blog.
More informationWith a phased return to school for primary school pupils due to begin in England next week following Coronavirus restrictions, IAM RoadSmart is reminding parents, carers, drivers and riders to be on full alert in the vicinity of schools. With drop-off and collection arrangements likely to be staggered and some people only just returning to driving or riding after an extended period away from the roads, the need for vigilance around schools will be essential over the coming weeks. Richard Gladman, IAM RoadSmart’s Head of Driving and Riding Standards has some advice on how to make sure it’s as safe as possible for all road users.
More information"If I can just save one life by my actions, it is all worthwhile. And I know our observers and members feel the same way." As Shaun Cronin, IAM RoadSmart Regional Service Delivery Manager (Southern), like many of us during the COVID-19 pandemic, spends more time off the road, he ponders what his life would have been like were the country not in lockdown. His blog highlights how much he values all the work he does with IAM RoadSmart members, groups and volunteers in helping to improve road safety, and how much he's looking forward to continuing to make a difference when restrictions are lifted.
More informationMike Quinton, IAM RoadSmart CEO, reflects on how much has changed for IAM RoadSmart members, groups, staff and communities over recent weeks as the country reacts to the impact of COVID-19 and ongoing lockdown. He shares his thoughts on the effects the Coronavirus has had on our work to improve road safety and how, collectively, we have responded to the extraordinary challenges faced.
More informationIn the second instalment of his blog, Derek McMullan, Chairman of IAM RoadSmart Chairman, explores his views and experiences of night riding, with tips and advice for those taking to the road after dark.
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